CCNA And CCENT Practice Exam: TCP And UDP

Time for a new CCNA and CCENT practice exam!  Today’s exam is on TCP and UDP, and this one’s in flash card style — no multiple choice here!

Using flash cards has been shown to be 75% more effective in retaining information than traditional practice exams, so not only will I have more practice exams for you in the format, but in June 2019 my first line of online flash cards for the CCENT and CCNA exams debuts.   Be here – you’ll want to be the first to get your hands on this powerful study tool!

Now let today’s questions begin!

Question 1:    What single word best describes UDP’s advantage over TCP?

Question 2:    Tell me the three main steps of TCP’s three-way handshake.

Question 3:   What TCP value is being negotiated in this exhibit?

TCP Negotiation

Question 4:   Who controls flow control in a TCP conversation — the data sender or the recipient?

Question 5:    When does the TCP four-way handshake come into play?

Let’s get to the answers!

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CCNA Subnetting Practice Exam Pack


Answer 1:   TCP has many advantages over UDP, but they come at a cost.   Since UDP doesn’t offer as many features as TCP does, its overhead is smaller — and overhead is the magic word here.

Answer 2:   Here’s an illustrated look at TCP’s three-way handshake:

TCP Three Way Handshake

Answer 3:   The illustration showed the negotiation for the initial size of the window.   The window size determines how many bytes can be transmitted by the sender before it must receive an ACK from the recipient.   The window size is dynamic.

Answer 4:   It’s the data recipient that controls the data flow speed.   After the initial size of the window is determined, the recipient can request that the speed increase…

TCP Flow Control Speed Up

… and as errors or drops creep in, the recipient can request the flow be slowed.

TCP Flow Control Slow It Down

Answer 5:  You read that right, there’s a four-way handshake in TCP.  This comes at the end of the communication, and it allows for an orderly end to the conversation.  It looks a little something like this:

TCP Four Way Handshake

Thanks for taking today’s CCNA and CCENT practice exam!   Take on these other practice exams while you’re here, and I’ll see you on the main practice exam page tomorrow with a new test!

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CCNA 200-125 EIGRP Practice Exam

Chris Bryant’s CCNA And CCENT YouTube Channel

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Chris Bryant's CCNA Video Boot Camp